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Market Your Automotive Company with Zero Risks Share via

The automotive industry has always been known to possess one of the “hard-to-sell” products, due to the big investments consumers make during purchase. 

In digital marketing, the problem is compounded, as the targeted consumers wouldn’t purchase such products online and usually need to examine it along with communicating with a sales representative. 

This led to the rise of Lead Generation, in which rather than making immediate purchases online (which is almost impossible),” leads” who express interest in purchasing a product are attracted. In the automotive industry, lead generation has become one of the main pillars when marketing the products online, leading to many future sales. 

Lead Generation is a performance marketing solution, where clients pay marketers for a certain number of leads or certain KPIs that they decide on before carrying on a certain campaign. Using this solution in the automobile industry has proved to be very beneficial, as many salespeople start having more incentive when receiving customers who are actually interested in buying the products rather than exhibiting the products to them with no results. 

Not only that, but lead generation gives the chance for businesses to find new customers rather than the same ones. 

Risk-Free Lead Generation with ArabyAds

With ArabyAds, Lead Generation differs in its process in terms of the service being totally risk-free rather than just of “low-risk”. One might wonder how can this be possible, so this is how the process flows:

  • ArabyAds’ Sales Team walks you through the whole process and you set together with the desired KPIs after returning back and forth to the Account Management. 
  • After agreeing on everything, ArabyAds’ Lead Generation Team comes into the picture and starts coming up with different ways and ideas to promote your brand. 
  • ArabyAds’ Lead Generation Team creates different campaigns in a testing period of time and begins promoting your brand on various channels and traffic sources.
  • All of the generated leads are directed to your website or your social media pages (Facebook mainly).
  • Your sales team communicates with our teams to inform us of the results of the campaigns and the collected leads. 
  • Only then do you pay us for the collected leads and KPIs you set with us initially!

The benefits you gain from this marketing program are: 

  • Brand exposure and attracting new clients with zero risks, as you do not have to invest in marketing campaigns that won’t achieve your goals.
  • Receiving “warm leads”, i.e: only people who are genuinely interested in the product you offer, which is in this case cars for instance, but need a small push from your sales team later on. 
  • Increasing your ROI, as you only pay for concrete results and clear KPIs.
  • Increase conversions by getting more leads in due time. 

Verified Leads Generation Program for the Automotive Industry

Another program that is under the Lead Generation Department at ArabyAds is the Verified Leads Generation Program. In this program, the same process of Lead Generation applies, but the difference is taking an extra mile, and making sure that the leads you get are all “verified leads”. Verified Leads are leads that are the closest to the buying stage of a sales cycle, as they land to your brand due to their needs for a certain product you offer. 

This means that ArabyAds’ call centre verifies all of the leads that were gathered initially, and asks them a set of questions to see if they fulfil the criteria of a verified lead or not. 

In addition to the benefits of the general Lead Generation Marketing scheme, the Verified Lead Generation Program:

  • Ensures a precise selection of leads.
  • Saves time for your sales team. 

In short, don’t fear going online anymore, your automotive company could be shining in this online world after all!


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