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What do social media influencers want from brands? Share via

A brand can successfully create impactful influencer marketing when they are working perfectly in sync with the influencers. When both brands and influencers understand each other and are clear on the final objective that needs to be achieved, there are high chances that the campaign will hit the right note with the audience. While for brands, it is crucial to select the right social media influencer for their campaign, influencers also look for brands that resonate well with their personality, apart from many other factors. This blog will talk about different expectations influencers have from brands to deliver the best content to their audience.

According to many influencers, one of the significant difficulties is negotiating fair compensation with the brands. While the majority of influencers are of a view that they will only work with a brand that will be a good fit for them and their audience, even if the compensation is not on the higher side, a notable percentage of influencers are ready to collaborate with any brand which offers them reasonable compensation. The payment amount also determines how much time and effort an influencer will give to the brand collaboration.

In addition to the challenges posed due to low compensation, influencers want brands to let them have their creative freedom while creating the content for the product. The primary put-off for influencers comes when brands want them to read out the pre-written lines to their audience. The basic premise of influencer marketing is the trust and connection that influencers have with their followers. And by not involving the influencers in the content creation process, who are in the best position to know what kind of content will work well with their audience, brands can jeopardize the campaign’s outcome. Hence, influencers want to work with brands that respect their creativity and give them enough space to create content best-suited for their followers.

Moreover, influencers want to work with brands with clearly defined KPIs to measure the campaign’s success. For example, whether the campaign’s success will depend on the engagement rate, reach, unique content generation, or the conversion rate should be decided beforehand to avoid any confusion later. In addition, according to research reports, many influencers have said that brands should also set their expectations right regarding social media post frequency. Once all the terms and conditions are sorted out initially, things become easier for marketers and influencers, and the sole focus is on delivering the best campaign. Brands that can communicate their expectations effectively to the influencers can forge out better collaborations.

Besides the above parameters, influencers also want to work with brands who value their contribution and create long-term partnerships. This relationship enables influencers to build long-term content strategies for the brands they are working with that eventually reflect on the quality of the content. Furthermore, since the influencer now understands the brand inside out, they can effectively create content that will benefit the campaign to reach its objective.

As discussed earlier, there are certain factors that brands look out for when on-boarding the influencer, and then there are certain components that the content creators look for when collaborating.  All the stakeholders must understand that it is crucial to create an effective strategy and clearly lay out the terms and conditions so that an impactful campaign can be created without any hassle and confusion.

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