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What makes programmatic advertising a must-have for brands? Share via

The usage of automated technologies to buy advertising space for the brand’s campaign is called programmatic advertising. This advertising method utilizes the algorithms and data insights to serve ads to the right users at the right time across the right platform. The benefits of programmatic advertising far outweigh the traditional or manual method of digital advertising as it saves much time for marketers and is highly efficient and fast. In addition, the process also provides advertisers with excellent control and transparency about their advertising spending and how well they are performing. This blog will discuss the advantages that make programmatic advertising a must-have for brands.

Greater transparency

Programmatic advertising offers advertisers the complete transparency to track the exact websites where their advertising is reaching and the audience’s profile looking at their advertisements. As a result, it gives advertisers valuable insights that help them determine the current campaign’s efficacy and plan the upcoming campaigns. Moreover, brands have greater clarity about any additional costs associated with the ad space in real-time. Before programmatic advertising came into the advertising scene, advertisers had very little information about the placements of their ads and the kind of impact it was creating.

Automated media-buying

The process involved in media-buying during the traditional advertising scenario involved a lot of time-consuming methods like purchasing ad space through agencies, which, although generated decent outcomes, resulted in a loss of crucial time for the marketers. However, programmatic advertising is mainly automated and helps the brands and marketers place their ads in all the relevant spaces without manual human intervention. The AI-based algorithms do the heavy-lifting for the marketers in this form of advertising, and it has cut down on their task significantly by reducing the time significantly while proving the method to be much more accurate and effective. Moreover, programmatic advertising provides limitless ad inventory to advertisers across websites.

Real-time optimization

What makes programmatic advertising so beneficial for marketers is the flexibility it offers them to analyze the campaign’s performance in real-time and make necessary changes during the live campaign to increase the ROI of the campaign. Furthermore, once the marketers start reacting to the real-time feedback on their campaigns and optimizing their activity based on the intelligence and insights, they can witness a massive improvement in the results. In other words, with programmatic advertising, brands can see what is working for them in real-time and can make a quick fix in case things are not going as planned and get back the campaign on the right track. This is not an option with the traditional form of advertising, where gathering the advertising campaign results was a long and tedious procedure, and the accuracy of the results is also questionable.

Significant targeting capability

With programmatic advertising, marketers can reach out to potential customers directly through various targeting methods like IP targeting, geolocation targeting, contextual targeting, and retargeting. Brands can set their programmatic media buying strategies based on demographics, location, purchase history, income, and users’ interests. Targeting the accurate potential consumer increases the likelihood of the campaign’s success for the marketers. Additionally, programmatic advertising also massively increases the audience reach for the organization, delivering significant results. And the ability to track display advertisements, the impression on them, the audience who viewed them, and much more make this advertising method a top-rated tool for marketers.

Reduce wastage

Since programmatic advertising is primarily data-driven, drives better targeting, and takes less time to implement than manual advertising, it ensures that advertisers spend money only on the most relevant audiences, who are more likely to buy their products. This effectively reduces the wastage caused by targeting and reaching an audience base that might not resonate with the brand and is not interested in their products. Also, with programmatic advertising advancing every day with new technologies, brands have better control over who watches their campaigns, resulting in increased efficiency and higher sales.

As brands and marketers take a more data-driven approach to their campaigns, the relevance of programmatic advertising has grown multifold, and organizations of varied sizes are queuing up to reap its benefits. AdFalcon, the programmatic media-buying platform from ArabyAds, built for performance at hyperlocal levels, helps brands reach their potential audience in the MENA region with precision. Furthermore, the platform’s integration with Oracle’s contextual        targeting platform makes AdFalcon the platform of choice for top brands in the region.

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