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  • Blog Culture

Christmas is one of the most important seasons and celebrations in many countries globally, especially when it comes to the shopping arena. However, in the MENA region, Christmas takes up more of a festive nature, which can sound counterintuitive since the holiday and Christmas season are supposed to warrant a peak in shopping activity just like other seasons (November for instance). But yes, our research shows that this was not the case in the MENA region afterall!

  • Blog Boostiny iConnect

After the concept of Black (or White) Friday has gained momentum in the MENA region, it is often wondered whether Cyber Monday is to gain the same momentum as well or not, especially that the concept was introduced to the US to encourage shoppers to make online purchases specifically.  In the US, Cyber Monday is considered to be a big deal, as sales on Cyber Monday are projected to increase by 19% in 2019, amounting to $9.4 billion as compared to Black Friday sales, which are expected to increase to 20%, amounting to $7.5 billion! The graph below also shows how Cyber Monday evolved in the past over the years, resulting in significant figures.

  • Blog Boostiny Business iConnect

Should Affiliate marketers work on newly launched e-commerce websites? Here are a few points that affiliates have been missing out!

  • Blog Boostiny iConnect

Our team has been doing Black Friday ever since its arrival to the middle east. ArabyAds’ experts are constantly keeping track of the top companies’ campaigns in various industries; starting with e-commerce, health and beauty, and passing by brands with slow-moving commodities; such as real-estate and automotive.

  • Blog Boostiny iConnect

Come and Explore the 3 Ways in which ArabyAds Can Guarantee that for You! Since its establishment in 2014, ArabyAds has always prided itself on the fact that it offers its clients risk-free Performance Marketing solutions in the MENA region. Though daring and adventurous, ArabyAds always puts the interest of its clients in mind before… Continue reading How Would it Be if Marketing Your Business Was Risk-Free?

  • Press Center

ArabyAds, MENA’s one-stop-shop for performance marketing solutions, has successfully raised its Round-A of investments from Equitrust (the investment arm of EQ2 Ventures), which acquired an undisclosed stake in the company for USD 6.5 million. The company has been operating in the UAE and GCC markets since 2013, with offices in both Egypt and Dubai. ArabyAds’… Continue reading EQ2 Ventures Invests in ArabyAds

  • Blog iConnect

Every second you scroll down on Instagram, SnapChat, YouTube or any other social media platform, you watch influencers publish content to attract more followers to watch their videos, snaps, and stories. Do you ever see your competitor’s products on their set? Do you ask yourself if it’s time to invest money and effort in influencer marketing?… Continue reading These 8 Indicators Will Change The Way Your Approach Influencer Marketing

  • Blog iConnect

“A brand is no longer what we tell consumers it is – it is what consumers tell each other it is.” (Gensler, Völckner, Liu-Thompkins & Wiertz, 2013) Accordingly, a good definition of influencer marketing is; using someone who enjoys two main characteristics; influence and popularity, in order to reach their audience via content-driven marketing campaigns.… Continue reading How influencer marketing can affect the e-commerce industry in MENA?

  • Blog Boostiny

Whether you’re an e-commerce, travel, market place, or any online business, at some point you need to start using affiliate marketing to scale your business. Before we start, let’s talk a bit about what is affiliate marketing! Affiliate marketing is the process of paying a commission to publishers whenever they bring in new customers to… Continue reading How to use affiliate marketing to generate more leads and sales for your business?

  • Blog Culture

  Today we’re redefining who we are, what we do, why and how we do it. We rebranded ArabyAds with a new look that is fresh, bold, and clear, to reflect the new limitless potential we’re moving towards.  Over the past 6 years, ArabyAds introduced the affiliate marketing industry to the MENA region, until it… Continue reading We’re moving forward… Say hello to ArabyAds’ new brand identity!